Prize "Paul Capel", BSTH
Paul Capel, co-founder and first Secretary of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (BSTH), was the head of the coagulation laboratory at the ULB-Erasme Hospital and an expert in the field of Lupus Anticoagulant. He died unexpectedly in a car accident caused by a phantom driver. In his memory the BSTH instituted in 2000 the Paul Capel Prize for a young investigator for work presented as an oral communication at the BSTH annual meeting. In 2009 the BSTH board decided to give out two Paul Capel Prizes each year, one in the category “Fundamental Research “ and one in the category “Clinical/Laboratory Research” to acknowledge the growing number of abstract submissions from clinicians and hospital laboratories.
The Paul Capel Prize has been awarded to:
2024 Clinical and laboratory research
Andreas Verstraete, UZ Leuven, Multi-Gene Panel for Thrombophilia Testing in Venous Thromboembolism
2024 Basic Research
Sofia F. Melo, University Of Liège, Sustainable polymers with improved biocompatibility: new materials for blood-contacting medical devices
Kato Ramaekers, KU Leuven, imMKCL-based Glanzmann Thrombastenia models to study platelet formation and function
2023 Clinical and laboratory research
Charlotte Van Edom, KU/UZ Leuven, European practices on antithrombotic management during percutaneous mechanical circulatory support in adults: An international survey of the ACVC of the ESC joint with the EuroELSO
2023 Basic Research
Sarah Vandelanotte, KU Leuven, Analysis of the ultrastructural architecture of ischemic stroke thrombi using scanning electron microscopy: an observational study
2021 Clinical and laboratory research
Severine De Bruijn, UZA, First report of a de novo iTTP episode associated with an mRNA-based anti-COVID-19 vaccination
2021 Basic Research
Severien Meyers, KU Leuven, Neutrophils promote the progression of Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis
2020 Clinical and laboratory research
Christophe Vandenbriele, UZ Leuven, Optimal antithrombotic regimen in patients with cardiogenic shock on ImpellaTM mechanical support: less might be more
2020 Basic research
Shannen Deconinck, KU Leuven Kulak, Inhibition of ADAMTS13 rescues acquired von Willebrand syndrome in a preclinical mechanical circulatory support animal model
ex aequo with
Coraline Radermecker, GIGA Institute, Liege University, Neutrophil extracellular traps infiltrate the lung airway, interstitial, and vascular compartments in severe COVID-19
2019 Clinical and laboratory research
Senna Staessens, KU Leuven, Histological analysis of a thrombectomy-resistant ischemic stroke thrombus: a case report
2019 Basic research
Joachim Mertens, UZA, Evaluation of the time course of Carboxypeptidase U (CPU, CPB2, TAFIa) generation and influence of AZD9684, a selective CPU inhibitor, in experimental rat stroke models.
2018 Clinical and laboratory research
Senna Staessens, Kulak, for 'Platelet-rich but not RBC-rich areas in stroke thrombi consist of dense fibrin structures, VWF and extracellular DNA'
2018 Basic research
Severien Meyers, KU Leuven, for 'The differential role of platelets and fibrin in adhesion on inflamed and damaged valves in a new mouse model of early staphylococcus aureus endocarditis'
2017 Clinical and laboratory research
Shakeel Kautbally, UC Louvain, for fis research 'Increased Acetyl-CoA carbox ylase phosphor ylation I state in platelets identif y high risk patients with coronar y ar ter y disease: ACCTHEROMA trial '
2017 Basic research
An-Sofie Schelpe, Kulak, for 'Unraveling anti-spacer immunoprofiles of acquired TTP patients using anti-idiotypic antibodies'
2016 Clinical and laboratory research
An-Sofie Schelpe, Kulak, for 'The p.Arg498Cys mutation in the cysteine rich domain of ADAMTS13 results in a secretion deficiency'
2016 Basic research
Laurens Liesenborghs, KU Leuven, for 'Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus lugdunensis bind von Willebrand Factor to overcome shear stress and cause endocarditis'
2015 Clinical and laboratory research
Frederik Denorme, Kulak, for his research into 'The role of ADAMTS13 and VWF in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: a Case Control Study'
ex aequo with
Marijke Peetermans, KU Leuven, for her studie on 'Addition of idarucizumab to plasma samples containing dabigatran allows to use routine coagulation assays to diagnose hemostasis disorders'
2015 Basic research
Christophe Vandenbriele, KU Leuven, for his work on 'Platelet Endothelial Aggregation Receptor 1: a novel modifier of neo-angiogenesis'
ex aequo with
Frederik Denorme Kulak for his studies on the prothrombolytic effect of ADAMTS13 in a mouse model of stroke.
2014 Clinical and laboratory research
An De Vriese, AZ Brugge / OLV Aalst, for her work on 'Dose finding of Rivaroxaban in hemodialysis patients'
ex aequo
Christophe Vandenbriele, KU Leuven, on his research into ' Rivaroxaban for the treatment of consumptive coagulopathy associated with vascular malformations'
2014 Basic research
Sebastien Verhenne Kulak for his work on "Sleeping Beauty’-mediated gene transfer of ADAMTS13 prevents the onset of TTP-like symptoms in ADAMTS13-deficient mice”
2013 Clinical and Laboratory Research
Elien De Cock Kulak, shared with Lize Bollen, KU Leuven
2013 Basic research
Xiaohua Zhou, KU Leuven, for her study 'Generation of a deletion mutant of TAFI with a 100-fold increased intrinsic catalytic activity'
2012 Clinical and Laboratory Research
Inge Vangknechten, UZA, for her project on 'the Belgian-Czech cooperation in the BRNO-Von Willebrand Study: an update'.
2012 Basic research
Thomas Vanassche, KU Leuven, for his research into 'The misuse of the host coagulation system by S.aureus: a potential novel target for treatment?'