courses and workshops




20-24 April 2022 and 2-6 November 2022

Maastricht, The netherlands

Shaping the future of Thrombosis Care
This unique program will train you to become a future expert in anticoagulation management. With the knowledge gained, you will be able to deliver state-of-the-art-all round thrombosis expert services in the years ahead.

“This highly interactive problem-based course was established in close collaboration with renowned experts in the field to train physician’s how to “survive” in this challenging field, and more importantly to become antithrombotic specialists who are able to take the lead in order to provide first class, state of the art training and support to colleagues and patients alike.”

The format of the course is according to the principals of problem-based learning and comprises, among others, small-group teaching, lectures, team projects and close interaction with European leaders in their field. Extra emphasis will be put on the development of personal leadership using the GROW model. Personal development and implementation of newly learned skills will be mentor guided and captured in a portfolio. Upon completion of this course, you will obtain a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Antithrombotic Management (20 ECTS) from Maastricht University Medical Centre.

Accreditation is applied for at the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). 

The course is officially endorsed by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.


With the knowledge gained you will be able to deliver state-of the-art all-round

thrombosis expert services in the years ahead; this unique practice-based post graduate course of high scientific value and clinical excellence is especially created to train physician’s how to “survive” in the challenging field of antithrombotic management. And more importantly, to become thrombosis specialists who are able to take the lead in order to provide first class, state of the art training and support to colleagues and patients alike.


Course week 1 | 20-24 April 2022
Intensive 4-day in-person training (32 hours)

Portfolio building guided by faculty mentors

Interval April- November 2022

Course week 2 | 2-6 November 2022
Final intensive 4-day in person training including examination, final evaluation (32 hours)


Please visit the website: Home | CAS-AM


for the following information:


  • Course outline, program and topics
  • International faculty and scientific committee
  • Course participants and requirements to be eligible, graduation and accreditation
  • General information, dates, venue, costs and registration


Kind regards,


On behalf of the LOC,

Prof Hugo ten Cate







Cours de base en Hémostase


Le 19 Septembre 2019 le Cours de base en Hémostase a été organisé en francais.

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Basiscursus Hemostase

Op 19 april 2018 vond de basiscursus Hemostase plaats.
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Deze cursus richtte zich voornamelijk tot medisch laboratoriumtechnologen en assistenten klinische biologie.

Download de presentaties.

Voor vragen of verdere informatie kan U zich richten tot [email protected]

Wij hopen U in de toekomst opnieuw van harte te mogen verwelkomen op onze cursussen.

Het BSTH-team

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